What do you learn interviewing teachers and giving them a platform to tell their stories? You learn what matters most to teachers and what we're capable of as educators is beyond what we comprehend!

We have a unique opportunity to not just share our experiences as educators to inspire teachers and add value to the teaching craft, but to share the experiences of teachers across the country. We hope to share our stories and belief that teachers are the 1% of the population that impacts the other 99%. We would love to empower your teachers and students with the belief that their story matters and inspire them to connect with the stories of others.

What We Can Offer!

We pride ourselves that when we speak it is based in our experience. They are the experiences gained in 20+ years of classroom experience, but also in the growth we’ve had as individuals. We come from polar opposite backgrounds. One having grown up in small town Wisconsin and the other in inner city Houston, but we have reached the same beliefs in the value of education and the power of teachers. If you’d like to learn what we’re about you can watch our video or listen to the podcast!

Virtual Connection

We understanding that is can be difficult to schedule travel into engagements, so we provide ways to connect with students and teachers online.

Content Areas

We pride ourselves on building relationships and training others on how to do the same, but we are experienced educators in math and social studies.

Any format

Whatever your format or timeframe we can create sessions that will be impactful and engaging.